Monday, April 15, 2013

Advise of the day.

I believe that success is dreaming, setting goals and working HARD to achieve those goals consistently. If you are not sure what you want to do, just start working toward SOMETHING until you find your passion. The key to success is persistence and determination. Just do it…because YOU can! No excuses.

"I would say to our youth:
First of all: YOU ALL HAVE GREATNESS INSIDE OF YOU! There is a purpose in each and every one of you, and you must complete the greatness that you were sent on Earth to complete. And this greatness of yours, MAY or MAY NOT be with you making the NBA or becoming a rap/singing star. If it does not involve playing sports or being an entertainer, that’s cool.
Plus, get the best education that you possibly can; whether that’s setting your sights on a four-year college, two-year college or trade school. But, push yourself to do a little more than you think you can do. An example of this would be to look at a four-year college, although you really have your sight set on a two-year institution. At least be aware of what it takes to get into a four-year college. And this awareness should start as early as your eighth grade school school.
For young brothers: If you are in the “drug and guns game,” be careful. Many of our young men thought they could beat the system only to find out that they could not when they lost control. For example, they murdered someone by shooting them after losing their temper and ended up doing major time in prison. Can you imagine yourself doing 20, 25 or 35+ years in prison? The time that’s being handed out by the courts is SERIOUS. Many of the cats that accidentally murdered someone did not wake-up until it was too late. They are now spending most of their lives in prison (many times with major mental sickness).
For young sisters: Maintain your virtue and confidence. You don’t need a young man that’s not treating you right to be complete and fulfilled. You ALREADY are complete. Get busy with the vision (plan) that you have for your life."
" I would say that you need to have a vision and a thankful attitude. Where do you see yourself a year from now? Three years from now? How ’bout when you become a grown-up? Dream as big as you can! Don’t worry about what you don’t have right now but rather be thankful for this moment. Being grateful is a very powerful step to getting where you want to go. When we are thankful for where we are right now, whether that is a 1 bedroom apartment on the 27th floor in the Bronx or in a two family house in Newark, be grateful and watch what happens. Being grateful brings more good things into your life. The more thankful you are, the more great things you attract to yourself; therefore, attracting the right people, teachers and mentors to you and your well-being. I know cause it’s happening to me right now.
Every morning I get up (and before my feet touch the floor) I start giving thanks. Before I became a children’s book illustrator, I would say, ” Thank you Lord that I am a published writer and children’s book illustrator.” I would say it all the time. Now, I am doing just what I said, and I am thankful.
Finally, get around people with good energy who will support you and encourage you. Stay away from those who poo-poo your dreams. Remember, you can’t put a SUPER LARGE VISION in a small mind, or into a mind that isn’t thinking as BIG as you are. It just ain’t gonna work. Keep pressing forward to your vision"

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